Thursday, May 30, 2013

This is not 7th Heaven.

About a decade ago, maybe more?, there was a crappy TV show called 7th Heaven.  They had a billion kids, the mom was named Annie, and the dad was a minister.  Eerily similar to our story.  But, we are not the edited CW version.  Instead, we are the "shoot, my kid's outside naked again" version.

Josh is a Congregational minister at a wonderful church in the Boston suburbs.  We are blessed to live in a beautiful town, have great family and friends, etc.  I am a social worker.  Translation for those of you who pretend to know what that actually means is, I am a licensed mental health therapist.  For the last six months I have been a stay-at-home mom, and love every minutes of it.  What a blessing that is for me.

5-and-a-half years ago God blessed us with a healthy, compassionate girl Caroline.  Less than 2 years later Jackson graced our family, followed by Ryan less than 2 years after Jackson.  A surprise to all, God blessed us immensely with a beautiful soul, Ethan, who was born when Ryan was just 11 months old.  Ethan was born too early, unexpectedly, and for no known reason.  Medically no answers were available.  The specialists said it was "shit luck."  He lived for four days in the NICU before he returned to the arms of Jesus.

When I walk around town, or grocery shop, just live my life really, people often ask "are they all yours?  Or are you a daycare?"  Not that three is an outrageous number of children to tote around, but seeing me pregnant while doing it was a shock for most during Ethan's pregnancy.  Also, Jackson and Ryan are giants, so people often mistake the kids for being similar ages.  Hence the daycare comment I think.

The antics of our day-to-day grind raise laughter and eyebrows alike.  I'd have it no other way, for we are living life.  Our life of Blessed Chaos.

This is a little space for me to share our blessings and our chaos.  Chime in with your own versions of both in the comments if you like.  It's healthy for me to "talk" with other adults so I don't end up asking my poor husband if he needs to go potty, or did he wash his hands?, when he comes home at night.  Hasn't happened yet, but it's a real possibility.


  1. Annie, I resent the fact that you call 7th Heaven crappy (I loved that show!), but I much prefer reading your blogs :) Thanks so much for sharing, you are an incredible mom and someone to truly look up to!
    Julie H.

    1. julie, don't let the fact that i thought it was a crappy show fool you. i still watched several episodes of it. crappy tv makes my world go round.

  2. i thought 7th heaven sucked :)
