Friday, May 31, 2013

A Typical Night Out

It's freaking hot here, for New England that is.  Mid 90s and humid.  And we have no central air, for the first time in 5 years.  It's fine, but an adjustment.  We have a few window units to offer partial relief, but we might have killed each other if we stayed in close quarters much longer.  So out to dinner we went.

We're walking into Chili's when my sweet daughter leans over and says this.  "Mom, I forgot to put on underwear."  Said while wearing a dress.  Perfect.  I guess I will have to re-title my last post and make it plural, The Nudists.

Dinner was good, typical.  And by that I mean Jackson drank two cups of milk before his dinner even arrived, multiple trips to the bathroom and walks around the lobby and even outside on the sidewalk.  A couple sat next to us with one baby in a bucket seat.  How easy those days with one were...another lifetime to me.  Eventually we left dinner, and began our search for a red toy car that had gone missing during the walk outside.  The hunt produced nothing, causing me to find that damn car in my bag, next to my keys.  Of course.

It's still too hot and early to return home, so off to Lowe's we went.  Josh was in the bathroom and I had the kids helping me get polyurethane.  By the way, how many freaking kinds of that are there?  Too many I say.  Ryan's climbing out of the family cart while Jackson's scaling up the side of it.  Then Caroline giggles and I turn to see her lifting her dress, proving to the world that she indeed forgot her underwear, while doing a little shimmy.  WTF?!  A quick reprimand gets her back in order, and thankfully nobody was in the aisle with us.

The rest of the Lowe's excursion included Ryan climbing cement sheet rock stuff, piles of 2x4s and grabbing hammers.  Oh, and lots of running in the opposite direction we desired.  Making me look like the expert parent I am clearly.  One father drove his family cart by me with one little girl in tow, sitting properly - giving my scenario the raised eyebrow.  Well sir, you have no idea how easy you have it.  Another father drove his family cart by me with two kids in tow.  He replied to my "sorry, you know how it is" with a simple, "yes, yes I do."  I love these moments of solidarity among us Blessed Chaos parents.

As I am in line to check out with my screws, polyurethane, and 5 2x4s sticking out of the family cart Josh says "hey Annie, here's a bench that's probably less expensive than the one you are going to make us."  I told him my bench is going to be amazing and he's going to like it.  Josh left chasing the kids in the opposite direction as I checked out.  A nice guy who had witnessed our blessed chaos got in line behind me and asked where my family was.  I told him I gave the kids away.

Blessed Chaos indeed.

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