Thursday, October 10, 2013

Stellar Mom Moment #132

Today I put Ryan down for his nap and set Jackson up for his rest time in the toy room.  Put on a movie so he could relax (OK, so I could too) during that hour.  Two of my friends were over and we got to watching some tv and catching up.

Rest time was over and I opened the toy room door and Jackson wasn't in there.  Searched the likely places and he wasn't there either.  Then I thought Josh must have taken Jackson with him to volleyball practice.  Left him a voice mail trying to confirm this. 3 minutes later I found Jackson sound asleep in his own bed.  Apparently my boy who no longer naps decided he needed a nap today after all.  Snuck upstairs and tucked himself in.  

After laughing at my newest stellar mom moment I realized I had just left Josh that message.  The second message was something like "don't worry.  I found Jackson.  In his bed."  Meanwhile, I didn't really know he was lost.  I thought he was with his dad.  Wish I could have erased that first voice mail.

1 comment:

  1. Annie... you are too cute! You still have not reached the point where you are leaving your kids in the pharmacy. All's well.
